CSE DEI event 2/13/24

How can you bring your authentic self to the workplace and contribute to a more vibrant, diverse, and successful professional community? Please use this form to RSVP for "How to be 'me' in the workplace: multicultural perspectives", an event led by the Career Strategies and Engagement team in partnership with OAASE, on Tuesday 2/13 from 11:15am-12:15pm in International Hall. Join the conversation with alumni who will share their experiences navigating cultural nuances, fostering inclusivity, and cultivating a harmonious and thriving multicultural work environment. Pizza/soda will be served.
Will you attend the event in-person or via Zoom?
Zoom link will be distributed prior to the event. Note that the event will not be recorded.
Will you attend the event in-person or via Zoom?
Zoom link will be distributed prior to the event. Note that the event will not be recorded.
Would you be interested in leading a future session for students on diversity, equity, and inclusion?
Would you be interested in leading a future session for students on diversity, equity, and inclusion?